Nora Fiberglass Long Leg Cast Preview

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This was one of the best experiences I ever had in a cast. I got to travel to Madrid as a little casting adventure to experience some real casting in public. First I got the cast applied in a deserted parking lot before checking in at the hotel (no escape before the checkout šŸ˜œ) then I visited some parks were I had plenty of trails to do some crutching. Finally my boyfriend and I met a friend to do some more public casting (she got a SAC and she loved it) I hope you enjoy as much as I did and, who nows? Maybe my next adventure is in your town. XOXO Nora #LegCast #LLC #BrokenLeg #BrokenAnkle #FiberglassCast #CastOn #CastApplication #Cast #CastLife #Gips #Platre #Yeso #Gesso #YesoPierna #LegCast #GessoGamba #GessoPerna #PernaQuebraca #BrokenTibia #Public
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