Broken Foot Chronicles & Updates | Tia Kirby

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In this video I vlog to give you an update as to the progress of my healing, how I’ve been doing and what is to come. As you mayor may not know,I broke my foot and had to have surgery to repair it & since have been recovering. You’ll get to see in this video my black cast being sawed off and a new pink cast being put on after x-rays. My recovery process has been very painful to say the least and also frustrating at times having to sit still, not get much sleep and not be able to move around as I please. But I’m getting better everyday. Leave any questions or comments below. L E T’ S B E S O C I A L + Instagram : @Tots_5678 + Facebook : + Twitter : (@Tots5678) + Blog: + Pinterest: C O N T A C T + Business Inquires Only : S U B S C R I B E + Subscribe to my channel here : V I D E O + Filmed with iPhone 5s aarp medicare supplement, best corporate travel agencies, car accident legal advice, freedom financial services, humana medicare plans, kaiser health plans, legal answering service, outsource web developer, outsource web development services, outsource website development, prepaid legal plans, small business travel management, start a blog with bluehost, workers comp insurance quote

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