Vintage Splints and Traction on Double Plaster Leg and Arm Casts

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In this heartwarming BracedLife video, we share the inspiring story of a brave patient who faced the unimaginable challenge of breaking both her arms and legs. From the moment she is wheeled into the casting room, her unwavering determination and the compassionate care she receives shine through every frame. Watch as our dedicated medical team meticulously applies two short arm casts, a short leg cast, and a long leg cast to support her on her path to recovery. Witness the incredible moments when traction splints are gently applied to each of her fingers and her legs, a crucial step in her healing process. Throughout this emotional journey, our dedicated nurses are there every step of the way, providing not only exceptional medical care but also a constant source of encouragement and cheer. Their unwavering support lifts the spirits of our courageous patient, reminding us all of the power of resilience and the importance of compassionate healthcare. This video is now available on our Patreon: 馃殤 (Disclaimer: Any injuries or accidents in videos are not real. They are all just staged for story purposes)

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